Fee Structure

Pendragon Chambers Fees Structure

Fee Quotes Our clerks are your point of contact to agree counsel’s fees. They will agree the basis on which counsel’s fee will be charged. Quotations, in clear and understandable terms, will be provided in all cases where sufficient information has been provided. VAT is added to all fees.

By “sufficient information” we mean that we are able to quote a meaningful range for the legal services in question. If more information is required in order to provide a fee quote, we will ask you to provide it.

In most cases quotations are provided within 48 hours. We liaise with counsel before providing a fee quote and their availability is often limited due to other professional or personal commitments. If you do require a response sooner please let us know and we will discuss alternative solutions with you. We don’t make a charge for providing a fee quote.

We do not offer Public Access cases on any form of conditional, deferred or contingency fee basis. Fee in direct access cases are paid in advance.

Pricing options

  • Hourly Rates Our clerks will advise you of the hourly rate (charging an amount of money per hour) applicable to any piece of work. This will range between £200 and £300 plus vat per hour and will be confirmed, in advance, taking into account the nature of the case, the legal complexities and volume of paperwork involved, its complexity and the seniority (experience) of the barrister involved.
  • Fixed Fees In advance of any work being done (eg advisory work, drafting or appearance in court), our clerks will agree a fixed fee (a set amount of money) for each piece of work and we will use counsel’s hourly rate as a guideline for agreeing the fixed fee. That agreed fee must be paid before delivery of the work.
  • Brief and Refresher Fees These apply where court, tribunal or ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) hearings (eg: Mediation) are required. They are assessed and agreed taking into account the nature of the case and its legal and factual complexities together with the experience of the barrister instructed. A brief fee would usually include all counsel’s preparation for trial and the fee for the first day in court. The refresher fee(s) are a fee, fixed in advance which will cover each subsequent day at the hearing, including ongoing preparation.

Contact our clerking team on 01792 411188 or email clerks@pendragonchambers.com to discuss fees about your specific case.